Entrance Point Reef, a coral wonderland and treasured place for Broome locals, is under threat from Industrial Development.
Join us at the Entrance Point Reef (south side of jetty) at 4.30pm to explore the extraordinary coral currently under threat. Please bring reef shoes if you are joining for the walk.
Meet at 5.30pm at the Entrance Point Reef (south side of jetty) for a Sunset Protest Photo. This is an important action for our community to make to send a strong message that our coral is too precious to be drilled.
Magical coral on our doorstep. Photo: Martin Pritchard
Please contact Eliza ([email protected]) for more information on the event.
“It’s not too late for coral reefs… It’s still possible to reduce the rate at which the climate is changing, and that’s within our power today.”– Dr. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
Kabbarli Road
Broome , WA 6725
Google map and directions

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