Bauxite mine in the North Kimberley? Have your say!
The Kimberley coast is one of the most intact tropical marine environments left on earth. It is home to Australia’s largest inshore reef, extensive seagrass meadows and corals, and threatened species such as the Dugong and five types of marine turtle, which nest here. According to the WA Government’s Kimberley Science and Conservation Strategy; The north Kimberley, which includes the Prince Regent River, Drysdale River and Mitchell Plateau is one of few relatively untouched large wild areas left in the world. The north Kimberley is one of only two places on mainland Australia where all of the native mammal species present at the time of European settlement still occur. A good place for a bauxite mine? We’ve just been notified of a new proposal that would industrialise the North Kimberley coast and Marine Park. The proposed bauxite mine would completely destroy nearly 2,000 hectares of the so far unspoilt North Kimberley coast. The proposal includes bauxite loading facilities in the Marine Park. We only have until January 26 to let the EPA know that this proposal is unacceptable. You can find details of the proposalhere (Click on 'Referral' at the bottom of the page to reveal two documents). Please send an email to the EPA. You can email your submission directly to the EPA [email protected] The subject name is Wuudagu Bauxite Project – Public comment Here are some key points you can use in your submission:
Photo: Humpback Dolphins in the North Kimberley Marine Park Want to support our work? We rely on donations and fundraising to protect special places like the North Kimberley, if you'd like to support our work please become a member or make a tax-deductible donation Or donate direct into our account: Environs Kimberley Giftfund BSB 325 185; Account Number: 03626193 - please send us an email with your postal address so we can send you a tax deductible receipt! Thank you!