The State Government has released a public consultation paper about protecting places within petroleum leases from fracking, which it is calling ‘Iconic Natural Heritage Places’. It has nominated a tiny area along the Fitzroy River and the Camballin Wetlands. It is now inviting the public to propose additional places for protection. The paper was issued just prior to Christmas, and the submission period closes on January 31, 2020.

Conservation group Environs Kimberley (EK) has listed for protection a number of places it considers of high ecological significance.

“While we welcome the government’s commitment to the Fitzroy River, there are many more places that need protection,” said EK Director, Martin Pritchard.

“The McGowan Government has released two public consultation papers on fracking over the Christmas and New Year period, when most people are on leave. Environs Kimberley is calling for an extension to the comment period. These are complex matters and decisions made will be important for the future of the region. Meanwhile, Environs Kimberley has produced a petition to help the public to have their say.”

Go here to sign the petition.

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