In our 101st edition, we hear from our Chair on the busy start to the year and our CEO announces some very exciting news. The Campaigns team shares ways to get behind Scott Reef, continues the fight against fracking, calls for protection for our EPA and visits Canberra. KNP tells us about the first edition of Nyul Nyul Mayi, weeding work on the Fitzroy River, protecting the Kimberley Wetlands and some great facts about a legless lizard. Our Sustainable Communities reflects on the social enterprise and SKIPA speaks about a successful Native Plant Sale and Delight in a Ditch. We welcome some new additions to the EK Shop and call for more volunteers to join our amazing EK family. Finally, Pat reviews some Kimberley books, we celebrate recent community discoveries, farewell a much loved, long-term board member and welcome a new staff member. 


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