The Shire of Broome is seeking public comment on the proposed new boat ramps at Entrance Point.

Entrance Point is well loved by the Broome community and is a very popular recreational area. Fishing, walking, dog exercising, gatherings, swimming, kayaking and sunset watching are activities that thousands of people undertake every year at this stunning location.

The reefs have been fished here for thousands of years and continue to be popular. They also contain National Heritage listed dinosaur footprints from 130 million years ago. The Dinosaur Coast Management Group has issued a media release saying that, despite working with the Shire on two other locations, they were not told of the move to the new proposed location.

Photo by Damian Kelly

The proposal involves the destruction of sensitive coastal bushland through a new access road from Kavite Road, the details of which are yet to be made public.

While Environs Kimberley supports safe boat-launching facilities, there are many questions that have yet to be answered about the current proposal, which would mean the loss of an entire beach.

  1. A previous proposal was estimated to cost between $35 and 50 million. How much will this one cost?
  2. Who will pay for the project?
  3. Who will be responsible for maintenance, given the usual high maintenance costs of marine facilities – will it be ratepayers?
  4. How safe would it be to launch boats in this area, given the proximity of the commercial shipping channel, the heavy swell and waves that occur regularly, and the tidal currents of Roebuck Deeps?
  5. What impact would the proposed project have on coastal processes and the incoming and outgoing tide of Roebuck Bay – would it lead to erosion or deposition?
  6. How would it affect Roebuck Bay?
  7. What are the impacts on the surrounding reefs and fish populations?
  8. What is the significance of the dinosaur footprints at the location and how many prints would be destroyed?
  9. Where is the rationale for four boat ramps in the same location?
  10. What impact would an increase in recreational fishers have on fish stocks in Roebuck Bay (there isn’t a sanctuary there as in other marine parks)?

The Shire of Broome is seeking feedback through an online survey, which closes this Thursday, April 16. Alternatively, submissions can be sent to the Shire email address [email protected]

With so many unknowns, readers must make up their own minds how to respond. 

Information from the Shire meeting to discuss the proposal is available, see the agenda and minutes.




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