As one of the four EK Strategic Plan goals, we are working collaboratively to establish grass roots economies that enable thriving communities. We are providing direct support to Aboriginal corporations, Aboriginal not-for-profits, community groups, Aboriginal ranger groups and others so that people are empowered to celebrate and protect natural and cultural values, and sustain a living planet for future generations.

We are doing this by:

  • bringing financial resources, knowledge and capacity into regions for the implementation of social, cultural and environmental projects through our not-for-profit consultancy work – Nature Projects Australia (NPA)
  • contributing to the development of meaningful and sustainable employment and business opportunities through our Social Enterprise Project
  • supporting the development of an Aboriginal-led native bush resources industry in the Kimberley through our Kimberley Community Seedbank Project and our Enhancing the Skills and Capacity of Kimberley Native Food Producers and Enriching Ecosystems
  • providing financial and practical resources and building capacity and capability of Kimberley groups through our Kimberley Nature Projects.


Enhancing the Skills and Capacity of Kimberley Native Food Producers and Enriching Ecosystems
Social Enterprise Project

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