We can’t not talk about the Coronavirus. So how is it affecting Environs Kimberley’s numerous projects supporting Aboriginal ranger groups?

We are of course heeding the government’s restrictions, and respecting the wishes of Aboriginal communities to remain closed. Like most of us, we are very concerned about the potential impact of the virus on Aboriginal elders and other community members. Aboriginal elders are so vital to our ranger partners and to our projects. Our conservation projects achieve better results when they combine the best of scientific and traditional knowledge, and those elders are the holders of that traditional knowledge.

So what does that mean for our team? The short answer is: a lot of uncertainty. Shire borders are closed and it appears remote communities will be in lockdown for a long time. While we can continue supporting Aboriginal rangers remotely, the uncertainty means it’s likely project timelines will be blown out and we will require support to hold onto our gifted staff. We will of course be going online as much as possible and maximising desktop work.

So it is difficult times, but with a few tweaks we can still stay in touch with the beautiful Kimberley environment and do some good work for the environment. And you can too. Here are some recommendations (ahem, based on government Coronavirus advice on the 3/04/2020):

  1. Get your garden sorted: And this doesn’t just mean the veggies — if you managed to horde some seedlings from Bunnings — but also getting rid of the weeds. Nearly all environmentalists have some weed skeletons in their backyard closets; admit it.


  1. Weeding-fit: We are allowed to do outside exercise with one mate who stays 1.5 metre away, right? Well, the new exercise craze out of Hollywood is called Removing Weed Vines Out Of Minyirr Park Whilst Walking The Dog. Stay beautiful, people.


  1. iNaturalist: see my article in the April edition of the EK News for more details. Take photos and geotag observations of organisms, try identifying them yourself, put them online to get help from the online community, realise no one in the online community can help you identify Kimberley plants, try and convince Phil Docherty and Tim Willing to get onto iNaturalist, write an article in the EK newsletter to build a Kimberley community on iNaturalist.


If you want any more information contact the Environs Kimberley team, or check out our website or social media.






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