Entrance Point Reef Morning Walk

Entrance Point Reef, a coral wonderland and treasured place for Broome locals, is under threat from Industrial Development.

We are lucky enough to have two incredibly knowledgeable citizen scientists who will be guiding a low tide walk to explore the abundance of critters and coral.

Feel free to join anytime between 6-8am. Please bring reef shoes. Please be mindful it is stinger season, so we recommend covering your legs also. 

Please contact Eliza ([email protected]) for more information on the event. 

“It’s not too late for coral reefs… It’s still possible to reduce the rate at which the climate is changing, and that’s within our power today.”– Dr. Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

January 14, 2024 at 6:00am - 8am
Entrance Point Reef (south side of the Jetty)
Kabbarli Road
Broome , WA 6725
Google map and directions
Eliza Arnold · · (08) 91921922
Amanda Riley Ben Waters Pippa Chrystal Ashlin Woodley Neil Turner Andrea Woods Liz Manera Tammy Howard Amber Copland Stella Gray Craig Phillips Patrick Beattie Carmel Leahy Bethany Moore Ellie Summers Jama Nienstedt Victoria De Bruyn Jane Appleton Antonietta Scriva Sara Cavalcanti Marques Geeta Carroll Lynda Fosbery Conchita Milburn

Who's RSVPing

Amanda Riley
Ben Waters
Pippa Chrystal
Ashlin Woodley
Neil Turner
Andrea Woods
Liz Manera
Tammy Howard
Amber Copland
Stella Gray
Craig Phillips
Patrick Beattie
Carmel Leahy
Bethany Moore
Ellie Summers
Jama Nienstedt
Victoria De Bruyn
Jane Appleton
Antonietta Scriva
Sara Cavalcanti Marques
Geeta Carroll
Lynda Fosbery
Conchita Milburn

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