Environs Kimberley 2021 AGM

Please join us for an end-of-year presentation on our activities and achievements and Annual General Meeting at Lotteries House on Saturday 13 November 2021.

Light refreshments will be provided and you are welcome to stay on afterwards for a drink and catch up. 


2pm-3pm: Presentation

3pm-4pm: AGM

4pm-5pm: Refreshments & catch-up


Can't attend the AGM and would like to appoint a proxy? Please email this form to Maddie.

For more details please contact Maddie on 08 9192 1922.


November 13, 2021 at 2:00pm - 5pm
Broome Lotteries House
20 Cable Beach Rd
Broome, WA 6725
Google map and directions
Maddie Edwards · · 0404535344
Maxine Nixon Glen Murdoch Dianne Bennett Mari Lourey Pallas Mareyo

Who's RSVPing

Maxine Nixon
Glen Murdoch
Dianne Bennett
Mari Lourey
Pallas Mareyo

Will you come?

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