Frack Free Kimberley presents Fighting Giants, the powerful new film and rallying call to protect the Kimberley from oil and gas fracking.
Watch the trailer for Fighting Giants here.
The stunning, intact landscapes of the Kimberley and the rich culture of its Aboriginal custodians are at risk. Frackers are the closest they have ever been to turning the region into an industrial wasteland and wrecking the climate in the process.
We teamed up with Kimberley Traditional Owners, climate scientists and economists from The Australia Institute to produce Fighting Giants and we can’t wait to share this ode to the Kimberley and urgent call to action with you, your family, and your friends. The film features Dr Anne Poelina, Mr Corpus (recently deceased), Nuriah Jadai, Madelaine Jadai, John Butler and EK Director Martin Pritchard.
Kimberley Traditional Owners will be travelling from the Kimberley to speak at these premiere events. Don’t miss your chance to hear from and support these strong women who are standing up for their Country.
Fighting Giants Special Screening
When: 7.30pm Thursday June 1
Where: Theatre Royal, Castlemaine
The venue is fully accessible.
Cost: $20 tickets / $15 concession. Purchase your tickets here.
Ticket sales help cover the costs of the screenings.
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