Martuwarra Fitzroy River – what future?

Find out what’s in store for this special river, the river of life

Thursday 15th August, 2019

Venue: UNDA Hall, 88 Guy Street Broome.

6pm – 7:30pm

The National Heritage listed Martuwarra Fitzroy River

The Kimberley has some of the world’s oldest and diverse living cultures. Traditional Owners have a deep and profound knowledge of living water systems and the largest remaining tropical savannah adjacent to the world’s most pristine tropical coastline. The intact remote river systems are the lifeblood of this vast cultural and ecological landscape where Traditional Owners are building culture, science and conservation economies. 

In 2011 the Commonwealth Government added the Martuwarra Fitzroy River to the National Heritage List in recognition of its cultural values as the outstanding example of the Rainbow Serpent Tradition across multiple Aboriginal language groups. The River is the last stronghold globally for the ancient and critically endangered giant freshwater sawfish and other threatened rare and exotic wildlife. In 2016 Traditional Owners announced the historic Fitzroy River Declaration.  Furthermore, 100 scientists signed the Fitzroy River Science Statement in support of protecting the River. Come and hear about what comes next and watch a preview of films-in-development about the River, its people and future.


Senior leaders with Dr Anne Poelina, Chair of the Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council, share their stories and knowledge of the Fitzroy River. View the work in progress of ‘The Serpent’s Tale’ by Mark Jones (Gaia Media) and hear from Martin Pritchard, Executive Director, Environs Kimberley.

August 15, 2019 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
University of Notre Dame Hall, 88 Guy Street Broome
Tessa Mossop · · 891921922
Jardine Macdonald

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Jardine Macdonald

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