National Eucalypt Day - Walk and Talk

Join SKIPA as a new volunteer or old friend to celebrate National Eucalypt Day!

We will come together for a tidy of the park, and head around the garden for a walk and talk about Kimberley Eucalypts. 

Please bring gloves, a spade, a hat, water and a plate to share.

If you know anyone who would be interested in becoming a SKIPA member, please bring them along. We would love to grow our community. 

March 23, 2024 at 4:00pm - 6pm
Magabala Botanic Park (Broom North)
Magabala Road
Broome North , WA 6726
Google map and directions
Phil Docherty · · 0427255516
Liz Manera Jan Lewis Kat Taylor Amber Copland Marnie Oliver Pallas Mareyo Colin Nicholls

Who's RSVPing

Liz Manera
Jan Lewis
Kat Taylor
Amber Copland
Marnie Oliver
Pallas Mareyo
Colin Nicholls

Will you come?

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