Sharing Solutions: Landcare Management Practices Forum

Join us in a fun, face-to-face networking and practice-sharing event running two days, Friday 24 and Saturday 25 March, 8am – 3.30pm. This interactive forum will cover a variety of land management practices and techniques in field trips, workshops and presentations.  Participants will come away connected and informed. 

Sharing Solutions is for anyone who is passionate about caring for the land, including community members, Country managers, pastoralists, tour operators, and members of ranger groups, landcare groups, local clubs and businesses.

Download full program here

Please RSVP for catering purposes.

This event is supported by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, WA Landcare, the Government of Western Australia's Natural Resource Management Program, the Kimberley Weeds Network and the Society for Indigenous Plants and Animals (SKIPA).

National Landcare Program logo WA Landcare Network logo   _State_NRM_logo__1_.png Kimberley Weeds Network logo  Society for Indigenous Plants and Animals logo

March 24, 2023 at 8:00am - 3:30pm
Lotteries House
Lot 642 Cable Beach Road East
Broome, WA 6725
Google map and directions
Danielle Bain · · (08) 9192 1922
Gary Lienert Jardine Macdonald Victoria de Bruyn Jan Lewis Ayesha Moss Dianne Bennett Damon Pyke Virginia Westwood Ellie Summers Jim Handscombe ellie boyle Jesse Alai Danielle Bain

Who's RSVPing

Gary Lienert
Jardine Macdonald
Victoria de Bruyn
Jan Lewis
Ayesha Moss
Dianne Bennett
Damon Pyke
Virginia Westwood
Ellie Summers
Jim Handscombe
ellie boyle
Jesse Alai
Danielle Bain

Will you come?

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