My time interning with EK was an awesome experience! I value most the many things the staff taught me. The team members are all very knowledgeable, passionate and warm. EK collaborates with many other Kimberley organisations and people come in and out of the office regularly. I enjoyed listening to the conversations. Every day, I learnt something new.

The team is flexible, encourages and enables you to explore the EK work that you are most interested in. You get the opportunity to experience work both in the field and in the office. Experiences with EK I enjoyed were observing the many small reptiles of the Great Sandy Desert, seagrass monitoring (the morning light on the mudflats is phenomenal!) and learning more and more of the cultural and conservation significance of fire in the Kimberley.

It was genuinely wonderful to be among a community all curious about, and devoted to, the environment.

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