Make a Donation
Make a donation to help us protect the Kimberley’s plant, animal, bird and marine species. By supporting our campaigns and projects, you will play your part in conserving our rich environment and unique ecosystems.
Every donation, no matter how small, supports the work we do.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible and processed securely.
Yes, I want to donate to Environs Kimberley
Donate Online
Use our secure credit card facility
Donate by phone
Call (08) 9192 1922
Donate by bank transfer
Make a direct deposit to the following account:
Account Name: Environs Kimberley Giftfund
Account Number: 03626193
BSB: 325185
Please include your name in the subject line when donating by direct debit and email with the amount you have transferred and your full name and address.