Fracking Presentation on Zoom

Join us for an exclusive update on ‘Texan frackers coming to the Kimberley’

Frackers have the Kimberley in their sights. Companies are comparing parts of their petroleum leases to the vast oil and gas fracking fields in the US and Canada, where more than 30,000 wells pepper the landscape.

Experienced Texan frackers have bought into a petroleum lease that covers a vast area in the Fitzroy River catchment.  They want to drill and frack six wells in 2022.

The National Covid-19 Coordination Commission has been pushing for an intercontinental gas pipeline from the Kimberley to the East Coast as a means to get gas to market – this would open up the region to fracking.

Join us for an exclusive update for EK members and supporters on the latest information about this massive threat to the Kimberley and what we can do to stop them.

Email [email protected] and we will send you a Zoom link to a 30 min update on the latest proposals to frack the Kimberley.

August 04, 2020 at 6:00pm - 6:30pm
On Zoom
Ray Peck Anne Jones Glenys Davies

Who's RSVPing

Adrian Taylor
Delphine Coutier
Anastasia Bradley
Isabella Moore
Melanie Leigh
Michael Norman
Susan Lindsay
Ailsa Cowan
Felicity Cahill
Cristine Cusbert
Patricia O'Dowd
Aileen Walsh
Samuel Clark
Martin Wilson
Jeff Murray
Steven Leuver
Peter Bargwanna
Steven Leuver
Beatrice Lucas
Ray Peck
Anne Jones
Glenys Davies

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