We are disappointed to hear the announcement that construction has begun on the Kimberley Marine Support Base in Broome.

“Work started on the floating jetty last week with the company and WA government saying it will boost the region's oil and gas industries as well as tourism and agriculture,” ABC Kimberley reported.

Environs Kimberley’s Martin Pritchard said it was surprising that the reported $200 million investment is based on revenue from projects that have yet to be approved. Report on ABC Kimberley - 

We are extremely surprised that the Cook government is facilitating this given that, according to the Kimberley Development Commission, it’s based on revenue from the Roebuck Basin - as yet, no oil or gas discoveries have been made in the Roebuck Basin. Browse Basin project by Woodside – no final investment decision has been made. Cruise ships – already dock at the existing jetty. Live export of cattle – already go through the Port of Broome and are high risk given the potential for the industry to be shut down by disease. Shipping containers – there are no industries using large amounts of containers.

This proposed development, supposedly based on industrialising the Kimberley through oil and gas, comes at a time when we’ve been clearly told that no new fossil fuel projects can be opened if we want a safe planet. It’s also in the middle of the Entrance Point reef platform which bears over 40 species of coral and an intricate web of marine life.

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