Broome has had the wettest year on record already, with four significant low-pressure systems providing 1,567 mm of rain at time of writing. Broome’s annual average is 615 mm. How has...
The recent flooding has shown that Broome’s wastewater treatment plant in town plus the new one out on Crab Creek road are unable to cope with large rainfall events. Wastewater has...
It’s been a turbulent year for the Kimberley. Proposals for dams on the Fitzroy and Margaret Rivers, with an accompanying push for landclearing on a massive scale from the Pilbara...
The most beautiful lady of the Australian seas has to be mother Dugong. She has a large buxom figure, tipping the scales at 450kg of pure curvy softness. Add to...
This October Environs Kimberley (EK) made the trip all the way down south to put on the first ever Environs Kimberley Aboriginal Art Auction and exhibition at Fremantle’s Kidogo Arthouse....
Ever wondered how the mudcrabs of Roebuck Bay go about breeding and bringingsuccessive generations of baby muddies into the world? While very little is known about Roebuck muddies, we do...
This year’s 14th annual Environs Kimberley Art Auction was, once again, a great success. Over 70 artists contributed works and we displayed more than 100 pieces of art — 74 of...
EK’s 21st Birthday was a big one – but what else would you expect when you have friends like John Butler, Steve Pigram, The Mexicans, Tanya Ransom, Elwood and Albert...
Kimberley skies have been full of drama this wet season with thunderhead clouds bringing soaking rains, replenishing aquifers and reinvigorating country. The pockets of remnant rainforests, the Monsoon Vine Thickets...
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